Become a member
Joining CanTHR is free and registering only takes a minute or two, simply fill out the form below. Filling out the form will add you to our membership database and will enable us to provide you with important information including the CanTHR newsletter, Calls to Action, and opportunities for engagement in your region:
We never share our email list so you'll only receive CanTHR related news and updates.
Note that it is essential that we have your current and accurate contact information in the event that important legislation or news occurs in your area. CanTHR is a grassroots organization that relies on member involvement, so it is imperative that we are able to contact our members. If you want to update your information, just fill this form out again and our system will automatically update your information.
Follow us on social media
Connecting with us on social media is a great way to stay in the loop, and we're currently active on the following platforms:
We're currently looking for individuals who specialize in the following areas to help further our mission:
- Accounting
- Law
- Tobacco harm reduction research
Contact us today so we can get discuss how you can help:
Make a donation
Donating to CanTHR means supporting our mission to help Canadians quit smoking and make educated decisions regarding their health. Your contribution will go towards our current expenses, as well as help us work towards obtaining non-profit status.